This is a list of the SAS Dictionary Tables. These tables are accessible using PROC SQL or the corresponding SASHELP library. They are read-only and are useful to get information about libraries, datasets, system options, and other information relating to the current SAS session.
CATALOGS | VCATALG | Information on SAS catalogs. |
CHECK_CONSTRAINTS | VCHKCON | Information on known check constraints. |
COLUMNS | VCOLUMN | Meta info on columns for all tables used in the session. |
CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_USAGE | VCNCOLU | Information about columns that are referred to by integrity constraints. |
CONSTRAINT_TABLE_USAGE | VCNTABU | Information about tables that have integrity constraints defined on them. |
DATAITEMS | VDATAIT | Iinformation about known information map data items. |
DESTINATIONS | VDEST | Information about known ODS destinations. |
DICTIONARIES | VDCTNRY | Information about all DICTIONARY tables. |
ENGINES | VENGINE | Information about SAS engines. |
EXTFILES | VEXTFL | Information about known external files. |
FILTERS | VFILTER | Information about known information map filters. |
FORMATS | VFORMAT VCFORMAT | Information about currently accessible formats and informats. |
FUNCTIONS | VFUNC | Information about currently accessible functions. |
GOPTIONS | GOPT VALLOPT | Information about currently defined graphics options (SAS/GRAPH software). SASHELP.VALLOPT includes SAS system options as well as graphics options. |
INDEXES | VINDEX | Information about known indexes. |
INFOMAPS | VINFOMP | Information about known information maps. |
LIBNAMES | VLIBNAM | Information about currently defined SAS libraries. |
MACROS | VMACRO | Information about currently defined macro variables. |
MEMBERS | VMEMBER VSACCES VSCATLG VSLIB VSTABLE VSTABVW VSVIEW | Information about all objects that are in currently defined SAS libraries. SASHELP.VMEMBER contains information for all member types; the other SASHELP views are specific to particular member types (such as tables or views). |
OPTIONS | VOPTION VALLOPT | Information about SAS system options. SASHELP.VALLOPT includes graphics options as well as SAS system options. |
REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS | VREFCON | Information about referential constraints. |
REMEMBER | VREMEMB | Contains information about known remembers. |
STYLES | VSTYLE | Information about known ODS styles. |
TABLE_CONSTRAINTS | VTABCON | Information about integrity constraints in all known tables. |
TABLES | VTABLE | Information about known tables. |
TITLES | VTITLE | Information about currently defined titles and footnotes. |
VIEWS | VVIEW | Information about known data views. |
VIEW_SOURCES | Not available | Contains a list of tables (or other views) referenced by the SQL or DATASTEP view, and a count of the number of references. |