I think it was in around 2012 that I had migraines lasting 3 to 5 days 24/7 that I finally gave in and asked my family doctor for migraine medication.
I don’t like taking medication, but, I couldn’t do anything for probably half of each month. You just can’t live like that.
I already tried Tylenol, Tylenol with Sinus, coffee, herbs such as rosemary, and combination of 3 natural products including quercetin. B vitamins, and something else. Unfortunately, I can’t remember the last one because this was so long ago.
Sometimes the coffee worked, sometimes it didn’t.
In any case, I needed a cure, not something that worked some of the times.
I caved in and asked for a prescription and I was given Eletriptan.
Boom! On the second dose, I had some crazy dermatitis like breakout. And I mean serious breakout.
It was a co-worker who finally said, you better go to the hospital because I had fluid coming out of my face and I was bright red I was told. Plus, I had eczema all over my body that was so bad, I had spots spontaneously bleeding on my thighs.
Special thanks to Ivan for making me go and he even walked me to the hospital to make sure I went!
There I got prescribed 7 days of 50 mg of prednisone. It worked even though I didn’t take the whole dose because I could feel the medication coursing through my body. Plus, my wife who is a pharmacist said that’s a crazy high dose and so I tapered it off with her guidance.
It made me not sleep for almost 3 weeks, so that’s almost 2 weeks after stopping the medication. Is that crazy or what! It was that, that made me say to myself, I’m not going for traditional medical treatments anymore for my migraine.
I have to say, my migraine did stop, the eletriptan worked, but, then I had to deal with a crazy reaction that made me end up in the hospital.
And after that, I had to deal with my insomnia caused by the medication to cure my reaction!
And of course, I could have tried another medication to deal with my insomnia. But, I think you sort of see where that’s going.
“Medicine” isn’t always that great. And to call some of these things “medicine” is giving these drugs a bit too much credit.
I had to break the cycle.
So, after 4 different “alternative” practitioners including a naturopath, acupuncturist, massage therapist, and chiropractor, I finally found a chiropractor / acupuncturist who just massaged out a muscle knot behind my ear and cured my migraine that I had for 7 years.
Seriously, that was it! I just couldn’t believe it. I suffered for years and had to deal with the reaction, hospital incident, and what I suspect my recurring extreme eczema that continues to this day, all because of taking this one medication.
I continued with the chiropractic treatment for about 6 months, maybe longer, because the muscle knot kept on recurring, but, I can say without a doubt, it was cured. I’m certain there’s no way I would have been cured if I kept on seeing medical doctors.
So, for those of you suffering from migraines and taking medications and who knows what other kinds of treatments from medical doctors, just be aware, it’s possible that you can get away from all that and be cured. It happened for me, and it might work for you.
Don’t be discouraged that the naturopath or chiropractor or whatever alternative practitioner you saw wasn’t able to help you. It doesn’t mean they can’t. You just have to find the right one.
It’s just like finding the right medical doctor. I don’t think most people discredit all doctors just because one or even two can’t help them. They keep searching.
I think the same needs to be done with alternative practitioners.
I know, it’s more expensive because the government doesn’t cover it, but, sometimes, you just have to keep searching because going back to medications and traditional medical treatments for certain health issues just doesn’t cut it.
In fact, because of this and other incidents similar to this, I am strongly considering to start a campaign to have some of these practitioners covered by the government.
Although I’m sure I’m not the only one who wants this to happen. Maybe someone has started that already. If so, please let me know. I’d love to help.
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